ECO-Optima website
The corporate web site of the Eco-Optima Group of Companies is designed to cover information and work of the largest group of companies in Western Ukraine, which is engaged in the development and implementation of renewable energy sources, generating capacity using wind, solar, water, biomass.
The site has two language versions, developed using adaptive design technology, in which the elements are automatically scaled below the arbitrary size of the device of the device on which the website is displayed - this allows you to optimally display the content of the site on a PC, Tablet and Smartphone. The website has a combined structure, consisting of a landing page technology landing page that displays all the basic information about the group's activities and sections made as separate internal pages.
Development technologies.
Our specialists are proficient in all modern technologies of implementation of WEB projects, among them HTML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Flash, Flex, AS1, AS2, CSS, Ajax, WEB-2.0.